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The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

scalar Boolean

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deleteAsset mutation ● deleteAssetRepository mutation ● deleteAssets mutation ● deleteCommerceRepository mutation ● deleteContentGenerationAudience mutation ● deleteContentGenerationBrandVoice mutation ● deleteContentGenerationBriefTemplate mutation ● deleteContentGenerationExample mutation ● deleteContentGenerationExampleFolder mutation ● deleteContentGenerationSession mutation ● deleteContentGenerationTone mutation ● deletePersonalAccessToken mutation ● deleteTeam mutation ● deleteTransformationTemplate mutation ● disableContentGenerationModel mutation ● enableContentGenerationModel mutation ● removeTeamMember mutation ● removeUserFromOrganization mutation ● removeVideoTranscodingProfiles mutation ● revokeOrganizationInvitation mutation ● saveContentGenerationSessionMessageTextProperty mutation

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Asset object ● AssetRepository object ● AssetSearchResult object ● FilterFields input ● HubContentGenerationModel object ● include directive ● Metadata object ● PageInfo object ● skip directive ● SubmitContentGenerationSessionMessageInput input ● VideoTranscodingProfile object