Media delivery videos
The videos on this page provide an introduction to the media delivery API, implemented by the Dynamic Media service. The Media Delivery API is a simple URL based API that allows you to dynamically transform images, including resizing, rotating and cropping. The videos included here provide more detail about these features and also cover metadata, video assets and sets.
IntroductionLink copied!
In this video we explain how Dynamic Media allows you to manipulate images on the fly, rendering any variant from a single master image. Best practices for using Dynamic Media are also discussed.
URL Structure and Image TransformationsLink copied!
In this we explain how Dynamic Media uses a URL based API to transform and manipulate images. We’ll introduce some of the available image transformations, such as resizing, scaling, rotation and cropping and look at how you can apply image effects to sharpen an image and adjust values such as hue and brightness. Features such as the metadata API and file manipulation are also covered.
Roundels and LayersLink copied!
One of the most powerful features of Dynamic Media is layering and in this video we show you how to implement roundels using our image compositing feature and walk you through an example.
Transformation TemplatesLink copied!
In this video we explain how to make use of transformation templates. A transformation template contains a list of preconfigured URL parameters that you can refer to by name in a URL. This makes it easy to perform the same operations on multiple assets and allows you to make a change to the template without updating your website code.
VideoLink copied!
In this video we explain how to work with video assets in Amplience.
Sets and SEOLink copied!
In this video we explain how the product images are organised into sets, according to naming conventions agreed with a client and discuss the set creation scripts that are run to automatically ingest assets and create these scripts. We also cover how you work with Sets via the Dynamic Media API.
The video also discusses Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
Manifests and scriptsLink copied!
The manifest file is generally used for internal auditing, so the customer knows what assets are within Amplience. It can also be useful when integrating Dynamic Media with other platforms, such as a product management system. This video provides an overview of the way that a manifest file is created and used and also explains some of the scripts that are used to perform administrative tasks within the platform.
Point of interestLink copied!
This video provides an overview of Point of Interest, introducing the concepts and showing you how to use the POI app.