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Organizing content

Within Dynamic Content, repositories are used to organize content. To organize your content further, you can create folders inside repositories. This is useful if you want to keep the content for different projects separate from each other, making it easy to find all the content for a particular project.

The content library window

Learn more about the content library window.

Adding folders
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Folders are added within a repository. To create a new folder, right click on the folder to which it should be added and choose "Add subfolder" from the menu. You can also add a folder at the top level of a repository by right clicking the repository name and choosing "Add subfolder".

Adding a folder

A text edit box appears allowing you to give the new folder a name. Enter the new name, and type return. In this example a new folder is created called "Winter outerwear" within the "Winter" folder.

Setting the folder name

You can also add a subfolder to within another folder from the folder list at the top of the window. Right click on the folder within which you want to add a sub folder. In the example shown below, a subfolder is added to the "Collections" folder.

Adding a subfolder within collections.

You can add a folder at the current level of the folder structure by clicking the "+" icon. In the image below, we're choosing to add a folder at the top level of the repository.

Click the + icon to add a new folder at the current level of the folder structure.

Moving content into a folder
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To move content into a folder, simply select one or more items, by clicking anywhere within the item's card, and drag the content into the chosen folder. When an item is selected, the checkbox on the bottom right of the item's card is checked. When viewing your content in list view, the checkbox is shown on the left of the content item's name.

In this example, 2 items are selected.

Selecting content to move to a folder.

As you drag the items, the number of items you're moving will be shown. In the example below, we're dragging the selected items to the "Winter outerwear" folder.

As you drag the content, the number of selected items will be shown.

The items have now been moved to the "Winter outerwear" folder.

The items have been moved to the destination folder.

Renaming a folder
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To rename a folder, hover over the folder title until the ellipsis menu appears, right-click and choose "Rename". Here we'll rename the "Winter outerwear" folder.

Choosing to rename the Winter outerwear folder

The "Rename folder" dialog is displayed for you to enter a new name. In this example we'll rename the folder to "Winter outerwear collection". Click "Rename" to apply the name change.

Entering the new folder name

The folder is now renamed to "Winter outerwear collection".

The folder is renamed

Deleting a folder
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To delete a folder choose the delete option from the folder's menu. In this example we are deleting the "Winter outerwear collection" folder.

Choosing to delete a folder

You will be asked to confirm the deletion.

Confirming the delete

An error warns that the "Winter outerwear collection" folder is not empty and cannot be deleted. Only empty folders can be deleted, so to delete this folder you would need to archive the content or move it to another folder or the top level of the repository.

The folder contains content and cannot be deleted

Archiving and unarchiving content
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To help you manage and organize your content, you can move any content items and slots you no longer need to the Archive folder at the root level of their respective repositories. Archiving content does not permanently delete it and you can browse and unarchive content if you need to continue to work with it.

Archiving content
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Archiving content does not affect any previous work you have done with the content:

  • If the content is published, the published version is still consumed as normal
  • Any versions of the content that have been saved to an edition are still available to add to slots and scheduled for publication
  • Archived content can no longer be edited, published or copied and does not show up in search results

You can archive single and multiple items:

  • To archive an item from the content library - Choose "Archive" from the item's contextual menu
  • To archive an item from the content form - Choose 'Archive' from the content form Save menu
  • To archive multiple items - Select the items in the content library, then click "Archive selected items" from either the toolbar, or the right-click menu. Tip, to select all items on a page use the "Select all" option. See Performing bulk actions

In this example, we've selected 4 items to archive. This displays the "Archive selected items" icon in the toolbar. Click the icon to archive the items.

Selecting multiple content items to archive

The items are moved from the current folder ("Summer") to the archive.

The content items are archived

The items are moved to the archive folder at the root level of the repository. You can still view the items and their revision history from within the archive folder, but they can no longer be modified. If you decide to continue to work with content, then it must be unarchived.

Archiving linked content
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If you archive a content item that is part of a piece of linked content, for example a carousel slide that is added to a carousel, then the archived item will be shown as 'archived' on the editing screen for the parent item. Any item containing archived content cannot be published or saved to an edition.

In the example below, the "Red coat in the snow" content is being archived.

Archiving a carousel slide

When the content form for the "Winter is coming" carousel is displayed, the "Red coat in the snow" content is marked as archived. The item can still be viewed or deleted from the carousel, but publishing the carousel item or saving it to an edition will fail.

If you open the archived content and unarchive it, then the carousel can be successfully published.

The item is marked as archived on the carousel screen

Unarchiving content
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You can unarchive individual or multiple items:

  • To unarchive an item that's open in the content form - Choose 'Unarchive'
  • To unarchive an individual content item - Choose "Unarchive" from the chosen item's contextual menu in the content library
  • To unarchive multiple items - Select the items and then click the "Unarchive selected items" icon in the toolbar. See Performing bulk actions

In the example below, the archived "Red coat in the snow" content item is open in the content form. Notice that the date and time when the content was archived is shown in the revision history.

To unarchive the item, click the 'Unarchive' button.

Choosing to unarchive content

The item is successfully unarchived and is moved back to its original folder. In this case it's returned to the root level of the repository.

The content is moved back to its original folder

To unarchive an item from the content library, navigate to the Archive folder, then choose "Unarchive" from the item's contextual menu. In this example, the "Girl in hat" item will be restored to its previous location in the content library.

Unarchiving a content item

Archiving slots
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Slots can also be archived in the same way as content, by selecting a slot item in the slot library and choosing "Archive" from the contextual menu.

To quickly archive multiple slots

From the content library, select the slots to archive and then select the "Archive" icon in the toolbar. Note, the "Archive" icon becomes visible when items are selected. See Performing bulk actions.

In the example below, the "Home page hero slot" item would be moved to the "Archive" folder at the top level of the slots repository.

Archiving a slot

Archived slots do not show up in the slot browser when adding slots to an edition. An edition that has already been scheduled and contains one or more slots that are later archived can be published, but you will not be able to schedule an edition containing archived slots.

See Adding content to slots and Scheduling an edition for more information about adding slots and scheduling an edition.